Article ID: 10293
PROBLEM: ITScriptNet V3 on the Honeywell Dolphin 6510 Reboot Loop
Applies To: ITScriptNet V3
After installing the ITScriptNet V3 client on a Honeywell Dolphin 6510, warm booting the Dolphin results in the Dolphin continuously rebooting itself.
The ITScriptNet V3 client installer places a CAB file on the Dolphin that is used to restore the ITScriptNet shortcut after a reboot.  We have determined that this CAB file, when executed after a Warm Boot, causes the Dolphin to reboot itself.  We have ben working with Honeywell to resolve this problem, but so far we do not have a solution.

For now, you should delete the CAB file from the Dolphin 6510 after installing the ITScriptNet V3 client to prevent this problem.  See the linked PDF for more information.

This problem applies only to ITScriptNet V3, not Indago.

This article last updated: 3/6/2017 9:12:13 AM
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